Metrotown Notary

Brand Identity

Social Media

Web Design


A banner featuring a family photo with a Metrotown Notary logo


Metrotown Notary is a real estate focused notary public practice located at Station Square, and is within walking distance of Metrotown Metropolis Mall in Burnaby.
Metrotown Notary logo squareMetrotown Notary logo two-lineMetrotown Notary logo horizontal
typography & colours
Clarity & Contrast
In crafting this brand identity, we opted for a geometric sans-serif typeface paired with a minimal, primarily greyscale colour palette. This deliberate design choice resulted in a brand that reflects forward-thinking innovation, boldness, and sophistication. We chose vibrant red as an accent colour for the brand.
Colour palette with black, white, blue and redTypography image featuring Avenir typeface
Cinematic Photography
For the brand imagery, we embraced a cinematic family photography style. Through this distinctive visual language, we aim to convey a sense of warmth, authenticity, and connection.
A senior couple in a warm embrace
A warm cinematic photo of a senior couple holding hands
In crafting the printed materials for Metrotown Notary, precision met elegance with a design inspired by Swiss typography. A sleek and minimalistic approach, coupled with the intricate detailing of a spot gloss finish on the logo, adds a tactile and visual dimension to each design.
Metrotown Notary branded water bottle
Functionality and Nuance
For website design, we prioritized refining typography, leading to a visually pleasing and intuitive user experience. Embracing clarity as our guiding principle, we seamlessly integrated a minimalist aesthetic to elevate both form and function. The use of clean lines and modern sans-serif font not only enhances readability but also contributes to a contemporary and uncluttered design.
Metrotown Notary web design showed on mobile screens